Friday, May 31, 2013

Clue #2.

The first clue I shared was that I am a mammal. We already know that I also live in Florida. One person guessed that I was a Red Deer. That's a great guess, but that's not what I am. Another person guessed that I was an alligator, but remember that an alligator is a reptile. KEEP GUESSING! Here's your next clue...

Clue #2:
I live in southern Florida.

Confused? See my first post for an explanation!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Introduction + Clue #1.

This is a project written by me! I am sharing details about an animal who lives in Florida. My Malaysian pen pal class will leave comments asking me questions and guessing what type of animal I'm giving clues about. On my sixth post, I'll reveal that animal I'm talking about!

Good luck, my Malaysian friends!

Clue #1:
I am a mammal.