Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What Am I?

Here is clue #1, clue #2, clue #3, clue #4, and clue #5...if you'd like to play along!
Click below, if you'd like the answer to be revealed to you!

I am a Florida panther. :)

That's right! I live in southern Florida where I enjoy eating mice and rabbits. Sometimes I also eat deer. I mostly hang out in swamps and the forest. I also am a mammal. I have lots of fur and give birth to live babies. I am endangered, which means that there aren't many of me left and people are trying to help in my repopulation. That's means they're breeding me in a safe place and eventually they'll try introducing me back into the wild. I'm also a part of the cat family! Did you know that I can get pretty big? If I'm a boy panther, I could weigh up to 1600 pounds! WOW!

Want to learn more about me? Here's some great places to look:

Thanks for following along!